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Find out all you need to know about Membership, Baptism & Child Dedication.


  • Church membership is the formal affiliation and dedication of a person to a particular religious congregation or community, indicating their commitment to the beliefs and practices of that specific church.

    Membership in a church entails more than merely attending services. It means actively participating in the community and helping to achieve its goals.

  • The Bible doesn't directly say, "Become a member!". However, church membership is biblical! When the Bible talks about the church, it speaks of it as a body, composed of individual members united to each with Jesus as the head. As members, we're encouraged to participate, respect, care for, and help our local church and its members.

  • There are several reasons why someone might choose to become a member of a church:

    Spiritual Growth: Membership provides a structured environment for spiritual growth and development. Through regular attendance, participation in religious practices, and engagement with the community, individuals can deepen their understanding of their faith and strengthen their relationship with God.

    Community and Support: Joining a church offers a sense of belonging and community. Members often find support, encouragement, and friendship from fellow believers, especially during challenging times.

    Fulfilling the Great Commission: By becoming a member, individuals actively participate in the mission of spreading the Gospel. Through their involvement in the church community and outreach efforts, members contribute to fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others.

    Participation in Church Life: Membership allows individuals to actively participate in the life and governance of the church. This includes voting on important decisions, serving in leadership roles, and contributing their time, talents, and resources to the church's mission and ministries.

  • To become a member at Pilgrim Baptist Church you must affirm the teachings of Christianity and our Statement of Faith.

  • Baptism is a prerequisite for membership.

    The process of becoming a member at Pilgrim Baptist Church is a simple process. First, after attending Sunday services for at least 3 months, join one of our membership classes. Then make membership commitment - this can be done by affirming our Statement of Faith. Lastly, you will be recognized in front of the congregation and given the right hand of fellowship.

    The request for membership can be done through the pastor, secretary of the church, or one of the church deacons.

  • Baptism is a prerequisite for membership.

    We believe that baptism is a sign and seal of membership in the church. For that reason, we believe when a person is baptized they become a member of the Church. When people come to faith for the first time at Pilgrim, we celebrate God’s work of grace in their life by baptizing them on Sunday mornings during our worship service.

  • Yes, we believe that a person who has already been baptized, regardless of where, can become a member of Pilgrim Baptist Church. This can be done by transferring their membership from their previous church to Pilgrim.


  • Baptism is the immersion of believers in water as a symbol of faith and identification with Christ in His death burial and resurrection. Baptism is a way for you to publicly declare that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior.

  • A move from death to life: Baptism is a symbol of Christ’s burial and resurrection. Our entrance into the water during baptism identifies us with Christ’s death on the cross, His burial in the tomb and His resurrection from death.

    A brand new life: It is a symbol of your new life as a Christian. We bury the “old life” and we rise to walk in a “new life”. Baptism is the outward symbol of the commitment you made in your heart, a commitment that has to be followed through and lived out on a daily basis.

  • Baptism is intended for those who have personally professed faith in Jesus Christ, understand its significance, and are committed to living a Christian life.

  • Someone should get baptized for several key reasons, each rooted in biblical teachings:

    As an act of obedience: Jesus commanded His followers to be baptized. In the Great Commission, He instructed His disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19). Following this command is an act of obedience to Christ.

    A public declaration: Baptism serves as a public declaration of a person's faith in Jesus Christ. It is a way for believers to publicly affirm their commitment to follow Him and to let others know about their new identity in Christ.

    Entry into the Christian Community: Baptism marks the believer's formal entry into the community of believers, the Church. It signifies their belonging to the body of Christ and their commitment to fellowship with other Christians.

Child Dedication

  • Child dedication is a ceremony in which parents present their child to the congregation and to God, committing to raise the child according to Christian principles.

  • It is a public declaration by the parents to nurture their child in the faith and seek God's guidance in their parenting. The congregation also pledges to support the family in this commitment.

    The focus is on the parents' and the community's responsibility to teach and model the Christian faith for the child until the child is old enough to make their own decision to be baptized.

  • We require that parent(s)/guardians attend an hour long orientation prior to having their child dedicated. This is to ensure you understand the significance of the ceremony and your commitments.

  • While many dedications occur in infancy, there is no strict age limit. Children of various ages can be dedicated, and the ceremony can be adapted accordingly.

  • The dedication does not replace baptism. Baptism is reserved for individuals who are old enough to understand and profess their faith in Jesus Christ personally. Thus, the dedication is seen as a precursor to the child's eventual decision to be baptized when they are ready.